Tuesday, March 1, 2011

University Sports day & Cuisine night

The students organizations at the University of Malta are very active.

Few days ago, the KSU organized an International cuisine night, where everybody could participate by cooking a dish from his home country or by paying a 7€ entrance. There were about 11 counties represented with more that 20 dishes. I participated representing Croatia with a typical dish based on Beef meat and potatoes.
Pleas note that the event was held on the campus, in the Student House with live typical music and professional cookers from Malta and Gozo.

Today the MUSC (Malta University Sports Club) organized a demonstration of some of the available sports at the University.
They put some stands in the square in front of the Student House, in the center of the campus, were you can watch or participate to some of the following demonstrations:

  • Basketball (There was an improvised pitch in front of the Library)

  • Baseball 
  • Dance (There were some modern music, and some students dancing in the middle of the square)
  • Chess 

  • Laser Tag (There were a small park in the campus dedicated to the Laser Tag free trial)
  • Scuba Diving (At the main pool you could try a free Scuba Diving immersion with instructor)
I'll post some other photos of the University:

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for your post and for covering the SportsFest activity! :)
