Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day three

Preface: When I was preparing my first Erasmus documents, almost a year ago, and my first choice was the UK and the second was Malta.
Yesterday I was speaking with a friend of mine who is terminating his Erasmus in UK, I was recounting the feeling in those Maltese old buses when he said: "Here we have wonderful buses, but by seeing your photos of places built for the summer and shadowed by the mild winter, this UK very efficient buses does not mean very much."
There's some kind of warm feeling which no money can pay.
Unfortunately this is not the feeling you have when you walk along the streets, where there’s no sidewalk and the crazy Maltese drivers are zooming nearby...
All in all, now I would never change with a UK destination.

It's Saturday evening and I've been a quick tour to Paceville. Unfortunately this evening I'm not feeling very good, so I went back very quickly. 90% of all the young people from Malta, right now are stocked in a 300m long street with a bar/pub/night club every 10 m. The residence is deserted.

Today I waked up late, and washed all my dishes, even those unused in the dresser, because I noticed that they were not very well cleaned from last residents. The coffee machine at the entrance has better coffee than the one at the bar nearby. But if you want a really good one you need to go to the illy coffee bar at San George's bay.

I asked at the Vodafone store how could I know how muck MBs are left from my internet connection plan. They told me that there's no way to know without coming back asking at the store. So I've blown out 150 MB out of 250 in just two days (Facebook, Skype, mail, blog, no music and no videos).

There are some other shots from Sant Julian’s bay


  1. Your pictures look gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying your staying there...
    For your "megabytes" issue, why don't you go hunting for some free wifi hotspot? There must be some around you...McDonalds offers free wifi access in most countries, but I am sure it is not the only one there (and maybe you can find a healthier way to get free internet access :P )

  2. Thank you Desiree!
    Yes, you're right, I'm answering from a McDonald's free WiFi! It's about 10 min from the residence.
    Tomorrow only salads and sport to balance the free surfing of this evening! :-)

    MBs are running out quickly, 50 MBs are enought just for 2:15 h of Skype calls... So 250 MB (3€) = 11:15 h of Skype
